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  • Ravensong


Updated: Dec 3, 2023


Age: 22 moons (as of 12/2/23)

Gender: Male

Other Names: Shrewkit, Shrewpaw

Current Affiliation: Shadowclan

Former Affiliation(s): N/A


Mother: {OPEN}

Father: {OPEN}

Sibling(s): {OPEN}

Mate(s): N/A

Offspring: N/A

Family Tree

Mentor: N/A

Apprentice(s): N/A


Fur Color/Markings: Brown with white stockings, tail tip, half face, and one ear

Fur Length: Medium short

Fur Texture: Coarse

Eye Color: Olive Green

Body Type/Structure: Average

Height: Average

Weight: Average

Voice: Deep



Positive Traits: Virtuous - Devout - Realistic

Neutral Traits: Rebellious - Martyr

Negative Traits: Hypocritical - Close-minded


Shrewkit was born in Shadowclan and had a normal Shadowclan upbringing. He was taught to fight, to skin, to accept bloodshed and battle, and to look to the Dark Forest for guidance. He didn't question his clan, his situation, or Dawnstar but rather aspired to work his way into Dawnstar's inner circle, intensely idolizing Vixensnarl in particular.

At six moons old he started his apprenticeship. He trained hard and kept his focus. Until a near death experience. At nine moons old, Shrewpaw went out with his mentor. They were separated when a raccoon targeted him. In his blind escape, he ran up an embankment. Too late he realized his dropped off on the other side. He fell down the hill, dislodging a rock formation which tumbled down after him. In the raccoon's moment of hesitation at the commotion, Shrewpaw's mentor was able to pull the raccoon's attention away from Shrewpaw and run it away from the apprentice until they were able to lose it. When his mentor returned, Shrewpaw was under a pile of stones. Shrewpaw remembers nothing after the initial fall from the crest of the hill then seeing a starry cat. Everything went black. When he woke again, he was surrounded by stars. As his vision cleared, he realized he was stuck inside a small cave of rocks. He was sore and dazed but otherwise uninjured. Over the course of the next few days, Shrewpaw was stuck in a moral upheaval as he interpreted his experience as having been saved by Starclan.

By his warrior ceremony, Shrewstone had quietly revised his way of thinking. In his time of need it had been Starclan that walked at his side, not the Dark Forest. It had been Starclan that saved him, not the Dark Forest or even any if his living idols. Upon this new view and newfound devotion to Starclan, Shrewstone found himself questioning everything. Why did grown cats think it was appropriate and productive for young kits to witness and partake in violence? Why were kits not simply allowed to be kits? Why must everything be done in the shadows? If they were a clan with nothing to hide then why the need for such stealth? Why scorn their ancestors for simply doing the right thing and thus ending up in a more suitable afterlife? Why did they align themselves with cats who were unscrupulous and dark?

At this point, Shrewstone was already trained in the ways of Shadowclan and he realized quickly that, though the other clans distrusted Dawnstar, they'd all been incapable of dethroning her. No, what it would take was a cat who played her own game. Shrewstone determined that the best way to reform Shadowclan was to be the epitome of Shadowclan. He needed to earn the trust of the ranks, conduct his rebellions in the shadows, like a true Shadowclanner. While he believes in the teachings of Starclan and the warrior code and his end goal is to bring Shadowclan to the Warrior Code, he is willing to sentence himself to the Dark Forest in order to accomplish that goal for the good of the cats who come after because he knows sinking down to their level is the only way to disrupt the current order.


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