Age: 46 moons (as of 11/30/23)
Gender: Female
Other Names:
Current Affiliation: Kittypet
Former Affiliation(s): N/A
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Sibling(s): Unknown
Mate(s): Score
Offspring: Luna, Abby, Buddy
Mentor: N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A
Fur Color/Markings: Light grey tabby with white markings
Fur Length: Medium-Long
Fur Texture: Silky, Smooth
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Body Type/Structure:
Height: Average
Weight: Below Average
Positive Traits: Happy, Welcoming
Neutral Traits: Naive,
Negative Traits:
Mira does not remember anything before arriving at the home of her current pets, a rustic-style farmhouse in the evergreen forest behind the territories. When she'd arrived as a young kitten, her new pets already housed a dog. It was a large brown and black dog with a long, furry tail and upright ears. When they'd first set Mira down in the new home, she'd puffed and spit at the strange dog but, no matter how many times Mira's claws raked the dog's nose, it kept returning, seemingly more gentle than the previous time. Eventually, she began to understand that the dog meant no harm and the two fell into a mutual sort of relationship. She put up with his rough playfulness and, when he was settled, she'd groom the persisting stink from his fur and he would be on a constant watch, right at Mira's side if she so much as hissed within a half-mile of their home.
When she reached six moons, her pets brought in another kitten. Mira welcomed him readily and introduced him to the dog and began to show him around the safe places to wander, once the pets allowed him to leave the home. Over the next 18 moons, the two grew closer and, eventually, Mira found herself growing heavier, slower. And then she was blessed with three little kits. Shortly before the kits were born, however, their pets had taken Score and were gone until the next day. When they returned, Score was different. He slowly returned to some sort of normal and was thrilled about his new kits. But over the next few moons, Mira noticed as he grew slower, lazier, and began staying closer to home, not roaming as far with her as he used to.
Two moons after Luna, Abby, and Buddy were born, their pets took the kits and returned without them. Mira was heartsick but eventually decided that her pets had never before done anything to hurt her and thus decided that whatever they'd done had to have been for the best. After a few more moons passing, however, Score's slowness and his increasing disinterest in their relationship caught up and he disappeared after wandering into the forest alone. Mira spent many late evenings sitting on the porch waiting for his return but it never came.
Slowly, with time, she began to move on, taking solace in the comforting from the unwitting dog pet.