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Updated: Nov 22, 2023


Age: 40 moons (as of 11/18/23)

Rank: Enforcer Commander

Former Ranks: Kit - Apprentice - Warrior

Gender: Female

Other Names: Cougarkit, Cougarpaw

Current Affiliation: Shadowclan

Former Affiliation(s): N/A


Mother: Lynxstrike(NPC)

Father: Blacktiger(NPC; deceased)

Sibling(s): Spottedpaw(NPC; deceased)

Crush: Elmshadow

Mate(s): Elmshadow

Offspring: Lostmoon, Silentpaw(Formerly Deadkit), Frostpaw, Mothpaw, Dogpaw, Shadepaw, Seedpaw

Family Tree

Updated: 6/24/2023

Mentor: Goldenstep (former)

Apprentice(s): Pigeonstep, Ratpaw


Fur Color/Markings: Black and White with light Grey markings

Fur Length: Short to Medium

Fur Texture: Slick

Eye Color: Blue

Body Type/Structure: Dainty

Height: Small

Weight: Small

Voice: High

Gait: Bouncy


Positive Traits: Happy - Bubbly - Playful - Inquisitive

Neutral Traits:

Negative Traits: Blood-thirsty - Volatile - Tenuous grasp on sanctity of life


Cougarkit was born to her father, Blacktiger, and her mother, Lynxstrike, along with her sister, Spottedkit, in Shadowclan. Cougarkit and Spottedkit had a Shadowclan-typical kithood. Lynxstrike was an attentive mother, caring and involved. She encouraged unity between her kits and put an emphasis on training, of both mind and body. Blacktiger drilled his kits hard and expected nothing less than the best from them. He was not mean nor abusive but he kept the pressure on the kits to keep them improving and encouraged competition between the sisters. From an early age, Cougarkit took to skinning her prey and licking away the blood before eating it. While the oddities and affinity towards bloodlust concerned Lynxstrike, she kept the worries to herself.

Once apprenticed, Cougarpaw's and Spottedpaw's relationship began veering more towards Blacktiger's competitive influence and away from Lynxstrike's unity. Cougarpaw was hungry for the next adrenaline rush and never quite found a thrill like that she felt when battle training. Until Lynxstrike and Blacktiger took Spottedpaw and Cougarpaw out for a family training session. Lynxstrike and Blacktiger took to the sidelines to coach as their daughters sparred. It began as a friendly, though unsheathed, practice but as the sisters fought for the win, the battle intensified. Cougarpaw gained her first scar from a brutal strike by her sister but, no matter how many times Spottedpaw dealt what should've been a crippling blow, Cougarpaw kept pushing, growing increasingly enlivened. Lynxstrike, unnerved and concerned for her daughters' safety tried to put a halt to the training but Cougarpaw and Spottedpaw were too involved in their battle and Blacktiger saw only the strength of his daughters being displayed. The battle ended in exhaustion but only Cougarpaw remained standing. To Lynxstrike's crippling horror, Spottedpaw succumbed to her injuries on the spot. Lynxstrike found the concern over Cougarpaw's strange obsessions had suddenly intensified to outright fear as she noticed Cougarpaw looked, not just remorseless but, downright exhilarated. She'd turned to Blacktiger for his intervention but saw instead that he was proud. He supported Cougarpaw's show of strength and saw the death of his other daughter as collateral damage to Cougarpaw's growth.

Lynxstrike left Shadowclan in a fit of terror and grief. Blacktiger died shortly after in a rock fall.

During her apprenticeship, her idea of fun often clashed with her mentor, Goldenstep, leaving a strained relationship between the two. After receiving her warrior name, Cougarivy made it her mission to get between Goldenstep and her mate, Elmshadow. Amidst this new goal, she found herself gaining a deeper respect and newfound awe for Elmshadow and her goal to steal her former mentor's mate became a simple goal to acquire the tom she'd fallen for.

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