Current Status
Elmshadow was killed by copperhead snake bite at Shadow's Break while he was out searching for herbs.
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Elmshadow is the current Medicine Cat of Shadowclan. His knowledge has him well-equipped to deal with moderate to severe wounds, injuries, and differing degrees of common illness. Please keep in mind when requesting healing that he can only do what is realistically in his own capabilities. If you have any questions on what he can handle you can visit his Herb Knowledge page or Skills page for a comprehensive list of his current knowledge.
Elmshadow’s first priority is the health and strength of Shadowclan as a whole so he won’t be forgiving towards those who’re wasting herbs with reckless actions but he will do his best for the good of Shadowclan. For repeat offenders, however, he may be less inclined to continue wasting his herbs. He believes in the greater good over any individual (which does include himself) and thus does not understand nor have any sympathy for actions committed in the sake of personal pride or ambition. Because of this, he holds little value in the traditional medicine cat oath to protect all cats equally and live above normal clan rivalries. He would sacrifice any life if he believed it would help the longevity of Shadowclan as an entity and has no qualms with turning away from healing cats who are not a benefit to Shadowclan's future. He is slowly learning to settle down and work more cordially with the other medicine cats.
Larkfire is Elmshadow's medicine cat apprentice.
Elmshadow is rededicating time to expanding his knowledge. Most notably, he is working towards a more comprehensive treatment plan for queens, from pregnancy all the way through to after kitting. As such, Elmshadow will frequently be out of his den. If an emergency occurs and Elmshadow cannot be found, Elmshadow's stalker Cougarivy can usually be found to locate him.
Updated: 5/23/2022