Age: 50 moons (as of 11/2023)
Gender: Female
Other Names: Fallenhaze
Current Affiliation: Rogue
Former Affiliation(s): Thunderclan
Mother: Snow(NPC)
Father: Ashthorn(NPC)
Sibling(s): N/A
Mate(s): (OPEN, Former)
Family Tree

Updated: 7/23/22
Mentor: N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A
Fur Color/Markings: White with black points
Fur Length: Short
Fur Texture:
Eye Color: Blue
Body Type/Structure:
Voice: Sultry
Gait: Smooth
Positive Traits: Patient
Neutral Traits: Cunning
Negative Traits: Manipulative, Haughty, no moral code, used to getting her way, strange hatred for kits
She was born to a loner mother but her siblings were captured by twolegs at around 1 moon; their mother was never caught and never came after them. She was separated from her siblings as they were adopted out at around 2 moons. She was first adopted by a loving twoleg with one other cat. The other cat was kind and she developed a small kit-crush on him. A few moons later, however, she was out wandering when another twoleg stole her and adopted her into her own hoard of cats. She soon made her way up the ranks and by 18 moons, she’d played it right to get in with the tom who more or less ran the hoard. Unfortunately, after a time, he began to show interest in a different she-cat. Delphic had become accustomed to her way of life on top and was not prepared to be pushed aside. When that she-cat had the tom’s kits, Delphic plotted and murdered the litter believing she could make the tom see that the other she-cat was a failed mother and lose interest. The plan backfired as the tom caught Delphic and exiled her. She found the clans and spent a time in Thunderclan under the name Fallenhaze though she never truly accepted the name or the clan. So she left and has since joined up with a young tom, Beetle, and aims to tear down other organized groups for the many who’ve cast her out.