Age(at time of death): 10 moons
Gender: Female
Other Names: Sunsetthorn's kit, Sunsetkit, Sunkit, Sunsetpaw
Current Affiliation: Starclan
Former Affiliation(s): Shadowclan
Mother: Sunsetthorn
Father: Branchfire
Sibling(s): (Older) Silverlark, Hazelkit, (Littermates) 3 Unnamed Stillborns
Mate(s): N/A
Offspring: N/A
Family Tree

Updated: 6/24/24
Mentor: Batflight, Wildshore(former), Quiethunter(former)
Apprentice(s): N/A
Fur Color/Markings: Grey and White with light blue eyes, in certain lighting the lack of pigment can appear violet
Fur Length: Medium
Fur Texture: Silky straight, Smooth
Eye Color: Blue
Body Type/Structure: Well-muscled but unremarkable
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Positive Traits: Happy, Positive
Neutral Traits: Naive, Quirky
Negative Traits: No filter
Before she was born, her father and elder brother had gone missing, presumably dead. During that time of upheaval in her mother's life, she'd gone out with Elmshadow and had accidentally eaten prey which had recently fed on meadow saffron. Sunsetthorn suffered the effects of meadow saffron poisoning. Fortunately, she was young and strong enough to recover from the somewhat mild poison. Unfortunately, she was quite far along in her pregnancy and the recovery took a toll on both her and the kits. During kitting, Sunsetthorn's weakened state left her unable to safely deliver the kits. The litter of four had been born lifeless, only one had been able to be saved.
Elmshadow, father of Sunsetthorn, grandfather of the litter, but also medicine cat, had been present for the birth. Sunsetthorn perished before she could name any of the kits and, after the ordeal, Elmshadow turned to the logical priorities, focusing on burying the dead, finding a nursing queen for the surviving kit, and then throwing himself into his learnings; thus the kit was never properly named. She was left with only the qualifier of being Sunsetthorn's kit, named for a mother she'd never know.
As she grew towards apprenticeship, she found a friend in a little sparrow. The two would play a form of tag and gradually grew more comfortable with one another. Meanwhile, she was also growing closer and closer to her older brother, who she deemed Moomoo. She was made an apprentice early, at just four moons old, by Dawnstar's judgement with the impending war with Thunderclan. Early in her apprenticeship, one of her games with the little sparrow turned deadly. She "tagged" the bird but, instead of stopping there and letting the bird rise into the sky once more as per usual, she killed it. She was momentarily disappointed that she would no longer get to play with her longtime friend but she knew also that death was nothing to be mourned or regretted. So she plucked the bird and offered both bird and feathers to Dawnstar. During which meeting she also requested that her name be changed to something she felt better individualized herself, rather than to be named by the same name as the mother she knew nothing about. She chose "Rising" for both the bird friend who so often before would rise into the sky and for her closest and truest family, Moomoo, and his daily morning speech to be "rising and shining".
Shortly after receiving her third mentor, Risingpaw noticed a strange shift in her breathing, finding it particularly more painful. One morning was worse than the others so she decided to go to Elmshadow's medicine den for a check-up. However, she ended up collapsing before she could even make it out of the apprentice's den and died of hereditary mediastinal lymphoma.
Notable Threads
Apprenticed for 2 months IRL []
Apprentice Ceremony 8/7 (5)
5 Training Instances []
Territory Tour (1)
Larkfire Lesson (4)
Attend 2 Meetings []
Aug Gathering (2)
Sept Gathering (1)
9/5 Meeting (3)
10/4 Meeting (1)
Herb Assignment8/8 (1)
Herb Patrol8/8 (2)
Border Assignment9/16 (1)
Border Patrol9/16 (2)
Battle Experiences
Life Experience
1st Kill (1)
Decorum Lesson (1)
Plot Participation
Battle Assessment []
Existed for 1 month IRL [✔️ ]
Birth - 6/13/23 (1)
6 RP Posts [ ✔️]
Nursery (3)
Nursery-Mousepaw (4)
7/2/23 Meeting (1)
Clearing (2)
Fight Back Event (5)
Brokentalon (4)
What's a Name? (1)
Bird Friend (1)
Kit Curriculum [✔️]
1 Clan-Skill Lesson [✔️]
1 Extracurricular [✔️]