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Updated: Sep 9, 2023


Age(at time of death): 23 moons

Gender: Male

Other Names: Pigkit, Pigpaw

Current Affiliation: Starclan

Former Affiliation(s): Windclan


Mother: Cowwillow [NPC]

Father: Hogtusk [NPC]

Sibling(s): (Older) Coltflare[NPC], Ramseed[NPC], Buckdrift[NPC], (Littermates) Sheepthistle[NPC], Stallionweed[NPC], (Younger) Fillybristle[NPC], Goatblush[NPC], Mareholly[NPC], Henhop[NPC], Lambmire[NPC]

Mate(s): Petalflight

Offspring: Fox, Tod, Vixen

Family Tree

Updated: 9/9/2023

Mentor: Flarebuzzard [NPC]

Apprentice(s): N/A


Fur Color/Markings: Flame-point cream spotted tabby

Fur Length: Short

Fur Texture: Smooth

Eye Color: Yellow

Body Type/Structure: Lanky but muscular

Height: Above Average

Weight: Average




Positive Traits: Self-Reliant

Neutral Traits: Questioning

Negative Traits: Perfectionist


Pigkit was born in Windclan to Cowwillow and Hogtusk. His brothers, Coltpaw, Rampaw, and Buckpaw were days from their warrior ceremony. He was, however, soon after, given to his aunt Breezeheart along with Stallionkit and Sheepkit to be raised by her. During her first litter, Cowwillow had taken a preference early on to Coltkit as he had been born the largest and had abandoned Ramkit and Buckkit to be raised by her sister. However, as the kits grew, she noticed Ramkit's natural abilities towards coordination and power-seeking coming through. Cowwillow had struggled with her regret in choosing to favor the wrong kit until she decided that she was their mother and so could take back her own kit. She took Ramkit back from Breezeheart, leaving Coltkit in Ramkit's place, and turned all of her attentions onto Ramkit just as she had been with Coltkit. From then on, she took to that form of motherhood, giving her kits to Breezeheart to be raised and forcing them to compete amongst themselves for her sole mothering. With Rampaw still being the preferred kit of Cowwillow, her second litter all went to Breezeheart. As Rampaw drew nearer to his warriorhood and thus no longer in need of her devotion, she took in Sheepkit from her sister as the kit most keen on displays of strength and mercilessness, even more so than her brothers before her. Sheepkit, Stallionkit, and Pigkit went through numerous shufflings between Cowwillow and Breezeheart as the three competed among themselves to one up their littermates. This continued until their warrior ceremonies, when Fillykit and Goatkit were nearly 5 moons old. The sense of competition never left the siblings, however, and as Pignut moved into warriorhood he found only that he was now in constant competition for their mother's approval with not just his littermates but with Coltflare, Ramseed, and Buckdrift as well. Along with the ever coming threat of Fillykit and Goatkit surpassing them in promise.

During his warriorhood, Pignut moved away from his family's intense level of competition to some degree but whenever he was faced again with his mother or siblings, he found himself drug back into the quiet compliance of his mother and merciless competition of his siblings.

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