Age: 57 moons (as of 12/2/23)
Gender: Male
Other Names: Toadkit, Toadpaw
Current Affiliation: Kittypet Hostage
Former Affiliation(s): Windclan
Mother: Dirtlilly [NPC]
Father: Cormorantfog [NPC]
Sibling(s): Burningcrow [@Starfall], Bravebird, Brackenheart [@Hawkice], Silentstorm
Mate(s): Batsnow
Offspring: Cobwebpaw, Wolfpaw [@Rapid], Spiderpaw [@Lullabypaw], Dappledkit [@Drogan the Dragontaur]
Family Tree

Updated: 7/22/22
Mentor: Redspark(Former)
Apprentice(s): Dreamlight(former) [@Moonraven]
Fur Color/Markings: Black with grey spots and white points
Fur Length: Short
Fur Texture: Slightly messy
Eye Color: Amber
Body Type/Structure: Lanky
Height: Just below Average
Weight: Below Average
Voice: High
Positive Traits: Eccentric
Neutral Traits: Excitable, Slightly high-strung
Negative Traits: Obsessive
Toadpounce has a strong interest in the process of death. He doesn't have any particular desire to murder other cats but the act of dying intrigues him so he has been known to obsess over asking dying cats some...insensitive questions. He's also found a hobby of maiming prey in different ways and letting it die so he can observe the process. Though nothing is malicious and it's all in the name of learning and education he's found that it puts off some cats.
His parents are more "normal" so they were always a little concerned about Toadpounce's eccentric and seemingly sadistic interests. As he grew older they often worried about him and became somewhat afraid of him. Once he was apprenticed they distanced themselves a little bit. This never severely impacted Toadpounce but it did make him delve further into his obsessions.
Meeting Batsnow was the best thing to ever happen to Toadpounce. He adores her interest in everything natural and appreciates her understanding of his eccentricities, being fully aware how strange he is and how many others view him. He never had much of an opinion on kits but he was more than happy to support Batsnow's desire for kits and, when she became pregnant, shared her joy and excitement. He was never the traditional fatherly figure as he never could get the hang of authority. But he loves his children and mostly views them as mini friends.