Elmshadow's Herb Knowledge
Blessed Thistle
Located: Likes full sun, drier soil ~ Prep/Usage: Flowers can be eaten by heavily pregnant or nursing queens to stimulate milk production and increase liver productivity, helping with indigestion and loss of appetite. Leaves can be eaten to help with coughs, fatigue, brain fog, and internal infection. Leaves can be added to poultice on wounds to decrease swelling for open wounds. Flowers can be chewed up to a poultice and applied to boils or abscesses to draw out poison. Flower poultice stings, plant tastes bitter. ~ Season: Newleaf to Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Likes wet soil ~ Prep/Usage: Leaves and flowers can be eaten to treat the common cold, early stages of gree and white cough, and general lung infections. Often paired with Elder Flower. ~ Season: Newleaf to Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Likes full sun ~ Prep/Usage: Leaves and flowers can be eaten to reduce and treat fevers. Increases milk supply. ~ Season: Late Newleaf to early Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Yellow Bells
Located: Likes full sun, well-drained soil ~ Prep/Usage: Chewed to a poultice and applied to wounds to promote healing and prevent infection ~ Season: Yearround ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Burdock Root
Located: Deep, dry soil ~ Prep/Usage: Tastes bitter. Can be chewed into a poultice for topical numbing ~ Season: Newleaf to Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Likes sunny areas ~ Prep/Usage: Traveling herb. Eaten to bolster strength. Good for expecting queens during a rough pregnancy or kitting ~ Season: Year-round ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Twoleg gardens ~ Prep/Usage: Sweet smelling herb with purple flowers and green leaves. Eaten to treat symptoms of Greencough and Whitecough Season: Year-round but frost intolerant ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Damp areas ~ Prep/Usage: Crushed, it produces a sap that is used to soothe weakened, damaged, or irritated eyes. Season: Newleaf to Greenleaf ~ Shelf Life: 2 weeks
Located: Cooler areas, sand-like soil ~ Prep/Usage: Eaten or made into a tea. Helps against sleeplessness or restlessness Season: Newleaf to Greenleaf ~ Shelf Life: 2 weeks
Located: Damp areas, partial shade ~ Prep/Usage: Eaten to treat symptoms of Whitecough Season: Leaffall to early newleaf ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Everywhere, bushes and hidden corners ~ Prep/Usage: Collect with sticks, store in clean, dry place. Used to bind wounds, soaks up blood, stops/slows bleeding.
Located: Everywhere ~ Prep/Usage: Eases troubled breathing ~ Season: Newleaf ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Likes full sun ~ Prep/Usage: Roots chewed to a pulp to soothe wounds, burns, or itchiness. Leaves can be wrapped around limbs to help heal broken bones or soothe inflammation from wrenched joints. ~ Season: Late Newleaf to Early Leaffall. ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
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Located: Everywhere, likes sun. Prefers shallow, moist soil ~ Prep/Usage: Leaves chewed to pulp and spread topically. Eases joint pain and swelling. ~ Season: Newleaf to Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Everywhere, likes sun. Partial sun, ground cover. ~ Prep/Usage: Flower head chewed to a pulp and spread topically. Numbing qualities that can be applied to surface wounds (i.e. bee stings and burns). Roots can cure effects of meadow saffron poisoning ~ Season: Newleaf to Greenleaf ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Leafy areas ~ Prep/Usage: Put whole in nest to ease pain ~ Season: Yearround ~ Shelf Life: 8 weeks
Elder Flower
Located: ~ Prep/Usage: When paired with Boneset, alleviates congestions and fever, soothes aches, and stimulates appetite ~ Season: Late Newleaf to Early Greenleaf ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: High in trees, in bee hives. ~ Prep/Usage: Can be used on its own to soothe coughs and sore throats. Can be mixed with other herbs to increase palatability and make them easier to take. Helps promote healing.
Juniper Berries
Located: In dry soil ~ Prep/Usage: Eaten to soothe belly aches ~ Season: Leaffall through leafbare ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Lady's Mantle
Located: Moist soil ~ Prep/Usage: All parts of the plant can be eaten long-term to mend torn tissue, especially of the ear drum or muscle. Chewed into a poultice, it can reduce pain from a lost tooth or limb or other major wound. ~ Season: Newleaf to Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Sunny, well-draining sandy soil ~ Prep/Usage: Scent is used to mask death scent. Inhaling can cure fever and chills. Chewing to a very fine poultice and diluting with water-soaked moss, it can be applied to areas to help with muscle or joint pain. Chewed to a thick poultice, it can be applied to alleviate certain skin conditions such as eczema, acne, fungal infections, or boils. ~ Season: Newleaf to Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 12 weeks
Mallow Leaf
Located: Near a water source, likes sun ~ Prep/Usage: Leaves are eaten to cure bellyaches ~ Season:. Leaves yearround, flowers early newleaf to mid leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Located: Everywhere, likes sun. Full sun, drier soil.. ~ Prep/Usage: Flower head chewed to a pulp and spread topically. Used to treat infections and as poultice on open wounds to prevent infection. ~ Season:. Newleaf to Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Location: Damp, shaded areas ~ Prep/Usage: Torn into shreds. Can help soak up blood and promote clotting for excessively bleeding wounds ~ Season: Newleaf to Leaffall ~ Shelf Life: 6 weeks
Location: Damp or wet areas ~ Prep/Usage: Holds and soaks up liquids. Used to store/transport water, clean up blood, carry mousebile, pad a splint.
Location: Everywhere ~ Prep/Usage: Extract from mouse. Apply directly to tick to make it drop off
Oak Leaves
Location: Around oak trees ~ Prep/Usage: Dried then chewed into a thick poultice. Can help keep debris out of wounds and prevents infection ~ Season: Leaffall
Sour Maple
Location: Moist, well-drained soils, full sun ~ Prep/Usage: (Does not treat respiratory illnesses or fever) ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Poppy Seeds
Location: Everywhere, likes sun ~ Prep/Usage: Shake seeds from flower head. Helps sleep, soothes shock/distress, eases pain ~ Season: Yearround ~ Shelf Life: 8 weeks
Location: Likes sun, well-draining soil, sheltered. Tends to be on hillsides ~ Prep/Usage: Chewed by the patient to relieve viral and bacterial infections of the mouth, including mouth sores, ulcers, and scratches. Though weak in strength, it also can be eaten to have some affect against headaches and fevers ~ Season: Yearround ~ Shelf Life: 4 weeks
Location: Everywhere ~ Prep/Usage: Used to collect and store cobwebs. Broken down to appropriate size, can be used for splinting broken bones.
Stinging Nettle
Location: Everywhere, likes damp soil ~ Prep/Usage: Seeds can be eaten to induce vomiting. Stem can be chewed to fight infections and reduce general swelling. Combined with comfrey, leaves can be wrapped around broken limbs to reduce pain ~ Season: Late Newleaf to Early Leaffall Shelf Life: Seeds/Stems-8 weeks. Leaves-4 weeks
Herbal Knowledge Purrk
Location: Areas with less other vegetation, dry soil, full to partial sun ~ Prep/Usage: (Does not treat anything relating to Meadow Saffron poisoning symptoms ~ Season: Newleaf to Leaffall Shelf Life:
Location: Forested Areas ~ Prep/Usage: Chewing on leaves can reduce anxiety and treat shock. Inhaling seems to have some calming effects as well ~ Season: Yearround Shelf Life: Chewing leaves-8 weeks. Scent-12 weeks
Location: Likes sun, dry soil ~ Prep/Usage: Flowers chewed to a pulp can be applied to bite wounds to expel poisons. Eaten fresh, induces vomiting. Dried leaves eaten can promote detoxing, treat fevers, cure bellyaches. Crushed dried flowers can be put onto profusely bleeding wound as styptic powder to stop bleeding ~ Season: Late Newleaf to Early Leaffall Shelf Life: Expel Poisons-4 weeks. Detox-After 4 weeks to 8 weeks. Styptic-After 4 weeks
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