Physical Traits
Fur Color/Markings: Shades of grey with black markings
Fur Length: Short to Medium
Fur Texture: Well-groomed
Eye Color: Dark Green
Body Type/Structure: Broad and Stocky, Muscular
Height: Above Average
Weight: Above Average
Voice: Smooth
Gait: Slow and Measured

Art Credit to Starfall
Positive: Confident - Strong - Patient - Stoic - Suave - Brave
Neutral: Ambitious
Negative: Calculating - Aloof - Selfish
Elmshadow is never quick to anger but his indifference is stinging. He does not believe in inherent respect, every cat should be expected to prove their worth before he will give them more than his characteristic indifference. He is an accomplished fighter and unafraid as his life, along with most others, are simply pawns for the greater good of the clan.
Elmkit was born to Figwind and Hawkscreech, along with his two littermates, Frostbite and Sheepglow. Figwind was a dutiful mother but often cold and distant. Hawkscreech had no love to give to his kits but started his sons out competitively with early battle training. Elmkit was a serious kit, finding little time or desire for kit games, he devoted his time to growing stronger to serve his clan and make his father proud. From a young age, he was quiet. He preferred to analyze his surroundings so he would never be caught unaware.
As an apprentice under Owlfeather, Elmpaw put his father's teachings to work. He trained hard, spending much of his time still being drilled by his father. Owlfeather's lifestyle was a mystery to Elmpaw but Hawkscreech had more than enough opinions and soured Elmpaw's respect for his mentor. He took his teachings and trainings from Owlfeather but would take Hawkscreech's teachings above all else should they ever conflict with Owlfeather's.
Elmshadow received his warrior name at 12 moons, proud and self-assured. Shortly after his warrior ceremony he lost his tail to a dog as he was leading it away from the Shadowclan camp. For his successful efforts and unwavering loyalty to Shadowclan, he received the closest thing to praise from his father as he'd ever experienced or would ever. Hawkscreech saw him through his stay in the medicine cat den and greeted him when he woke with a respectful nod.
Elmshadow lost his father to Starclan when he was 17 moons old. Hawkscreech's death has impacted Elmshadow with bouts of brief self-doubt as he wonders exactly what his father would think of his actions.
When Elmshadow first met Goldenstep at 23 moons old, he already had a litter of kits on the way from another she-cat who he no longer had any significant contact with. His intentions were single-minded, thinking only of his desire for a son to carry on his genetics. Growing up, he saw no love between Figwind and Hawkscreech but he understood the ways to woo a she-cat and he saw nothing wrong with whatever he had to do to accomplish his goal for the sake of Shadowclan's future strength. So he saw a courting of emotions as trivial. He knew Goldenstep to be pretty and malleable and assessed her to be a good potential mother.
When Goldenstep's first litter gave Elmshadow only daughters, he began to look elsewhere to increase his odds of gaining the son he desired though none of his other options worked to plan either.
At 25 moons, Elmshadow lost his mother. He was never close with Figwind even through kithood and their conversations never went deeper than what was necessary for clan function once he was into adulthood. So Figwind's passing had no affect on Elmshadow.
As Goldenstep's litter grew, Elmshadow gradually found himself seeking Goldenstep's company for no other reason than the way being around her made him feel. He noticed that she'd changed after the kits were born, growing to be more assertive and sure of herself and he found the change gave him a new sense of respect for her that he hadn't had before and he vows to dedicate himself to Goldenstep in a way he knew he'd never done so to her before, slowly breaking away from the mold Hawkscreech had set up for him.
Really seeing his kits for the first time at their apprentice ceremony sparked another epiphany for Elmshadow, allowing him to see that his daughters were not simply vessels to later reproduce for their clan. He has a long way still to grow but he better understood his potential role in making them into more productive members of clan life before they fulfilled their roles as queens.
Elmshadow's life took another turn once Goldenstep returned to the nursery with their second litter of kits: Petalkit, Burningkit, and Sorrelkit. It wasn't long before it made itself apparent to Goldenstep that she was sharing the nursery with Cougarivy, Elmshadow's suspected fling. Elmshadow admitted to Goldenstep that Cougarivy was also raising his litter: Foxkit, Frostkit, and Mothkit. He made it known that he would dedicate himself to Cougarivy's kits as their father as well as Goldenstep's litter but Goldenstep was the only mate he had any love for.
Elmshadow's life took another tailspin when Goldenstep's father, Gingercry, attacked his former mentor and co-standin leader, Owlfeather. That night Goldenstep took Sunsetpaw, Chamomilepaw, and Petalkit to escape Shadowclan and Elmshadow without a word. Elmshadow searched but could only track their scent to the border where he lost them. Shortly after, he was named Shadowclan's new medicine cat and thus threw himself into his work learning everything he could to be useful to his clan.
A couple moons after their disappearance, Sunsetpaw reappeared in the camp, bloodied and desperate for help. Saving the questions for later, Elmshadow let his daughter lead him to where she'd left Goldenstep fighting the fox but they were too late for help. They found Goldenstep dead. Elmshadow brought Sunsetpaw back with him to Shadowclan after burying Goldenstep in the ouskirts to have Sunsetpaw reaccepted back into Shadowclan. Losing his mate to her disappearance had been easier for Elmshadow to ignore and compartmentalize, seeing her battered and bloodied body sent him into himself, pushing away Cougarivy once more as he'd previously begun to appreciate her company if only for the companionship of another cat being nearby. His apparent progress he'd made while with Goldenstep seemingly unraveled as he reestablished his cold and soldierly front, keeping his focus on his tasks so he didn't have to think of the hurt he'd opened himself up to in losing Goldenstep.